Wednesday, February 01, 2006

We closed! I can't believe it! We are moving Friday so pray it doesn't rain. My mom is keeping the kids Thursday and Friday nights, thank goodness. I hope they will sleep well at her house. They tend to wake up really early when they aren't in their own beds. But, my mom says not to worry about it. Tomorrow we are having all new carpet put in the new house. Jen is going over there with me to scrub! She is a clean freak with a touch of OCD so when we get done I know things will sparkle! Thanks Jen! I have packed a lot, but there is still so much to do. Wish me luck! bbb


Shanna from BabySchrades said...

yay!!!!! this is great news. have fun moving....


Maura said...

oh my gosh!! how exciting!! good luck with the move tomorrow, hope the weather stays nice for you!!!

Jen said...

Well, I think it is clean now. After yesterday, I keep on looking at the house in Ashton Park.... :)