Wednesday, February 08, 2006

OK so now I should be unpacking instead of blogging. But I couldn't resist a quick blog to let everyone know that moving is hard work. I think our next home will be a retirement home because I couldn't handle another move. When we got here with the truck there was only carpet in one room and of course the furniture for that room was in the back of the truck. Needless to say, I must be the luckiest girl in the world to have such wonderful family and friends. I don't know what we would have done if my parents hadn't kept the kids. And Miranda, Heather, and Jen were unbelievable since they helped me clean and unpack! Thanks guys!
On another note, please pray for my parents. My mom fell down a flight of stairs Monday night. She broke her collarbone, cut her head, and bruised her face. She kinda looks like she got in a fight, and lost. I have to add that she went to So. Regional and it was almost an hour before she saw the Dr. As a health care professional, I must say the level of care there was poor to say the least. My dad had surgery on his shoulder about 3 weeks ago. So now they match, neither one can drive or really move their right arms. Hopefully they will both heal quickly.


Lisa said...

Oh, Girl! I will be praying for them both. Missed you at poker~

Maura said...

i hope your parents are ok!!

your house is so cute! glad to hear the move went did the kids handle the move? hopefully they are adjusted already!!

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

hey, I didn't read this before seeing you on Saturday! You've had a lot going on over the past few weeks. Hopefully you can slow down a bit now that you're in your house. I hope your parents are okay..but sounds like your mom was lucky to not be hurt worse. It was great to see you on look so pretty!