Thursday, February 16, 2006

We are slowly but surely getting settled in the new house. I still have a few more boxes and we need to hang stuff on the walls. I have no idea what is in the basement, but whatever it is should be trash since we don't seem to need it. The kids have done pretty good in the new house. The kitchen is open to the family room which works well for toddlers! But I swear they have go- go gadget arms because somehow they get into everything. We took their pacifirers away 3 nights ago. They were only allowed to have them in bed but this is a huge adjustment. They both have woken up crying in the night. I am determined to stick with it though, and not give in to the temptation to just give 'em the darn thing! Madeline has learned to say please. Of course, it sounds like peese. Its so hard not to give her whatever she wants when she says, "peese Mommee". Both of them are little mimics, repeating everything we say, they even copy me when I sigh. Sometimes I still can't believe I twins, much less two toddlers! bbb

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