Friday, January 20, 2006

Thought I should post a quick blog with some good news...we have a contract on our house and we put a contract on a house in Fayetteville. It all happened so fast and it has been very stressful. We got the contract Sunday night and we should close Jan. 31. Then we will move out Feb. 3...two weeks from today. Yikes! There are so many things to consider with movers, packing, the new house needs lots of work, and the kids, Ahhhh! At least my mom has offered to help, even though she has plenty on her own plate. My poor mom, she always has to help us in crunch time. She kept the kids 2 days straight while we were looking and I know it had to wear her out. So I may not be blogging too much in the near future. Wish us luck and pray we close without any problems! BBB

1 comment:

Maura said...

hope it all goes through w/o any problems!!! and that pic is adorable!! what a cutie pie!!