Friday, October 07, 2005

My children are advanced. Sorry I had to say it. Everyone else says it about their kids, so why can't I? God makes it so that most parents think their kids are the smartest, cutest, most adorable things in the world. That way, you won't leave them in a ditch after they stick their hand in poop. We went to music class on Wednesday and my babies got rhythm! The teacher said they would start to learn the beat but I didn't believe her. She was right though, they both were moving to the beat. OK, Ben was off a little but its a start. Madeline has learned to say,"here oo go", when she hands me something. If Ben is screaming she will try to give him a toy or juice to shut him up and she will say, "here oo go". Pretty smart, huh? Ben knows how to work the women. He flirts and smiles and always goes for the blondes. He sat in one of the other moms laps for about ten minutes. We don't know her other than music class but she is a very attractive blond. Their vocabulary is growing so fast. Everyday they say a new word or understand something I've said and it amazes me. (Yes, I have been watching my language.) I can't believe in a couple weeks they will be 18 months old. What happened to my little babies? BBB


Jen said...

I am proud of you with this Blog stuff! I finally got up here to check my e-mail! It is a neat site. Have fun at Bunko tonight. Love ya, JEN

Jen said...

In order to publish my comment, I had to sign up for a blog. I did and it is called The Wright Family. Now I have to make the time to do something with it!!! :)