Thursday, November 10, 2005

I guess toddlerhood is officially here. The "babies" have changed so much in the past few months. We have gone in a few places withOUT using the stroller. I just held their little hands and walked in. This is such a big deal for us. Their stroller weighs 50lbs by itself, add two kids and I'm pushing 100lbs, not to mention getting the damn thing out of the car to begin with. We also play in the backyard everyday. They don't walk like drunk midgets as much as they used to, so the small incline in our backyard is no longer lethal. I am dreading "winter" or whenever it really gets cold because I know we are going to be stir crazy! The cutest thing they do is hug and kiss each other! Oh, it melts my heart! I hear them talking and laughing together all the time and it is so cute. Of course, there is lots of hitting, biting, and screaming that occurs too. It is not so cute and actually drives me a little crazy, but, that's another blog. bbb


Maura said...

without a stroller?? you are B-R-A-V-E!!! i dont like doing that and Fiona is 3!! when it gets cold you have to go to the mall with the indoor play aread for little ones...thats what i do! :)

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

It's hard to believe that they are becoming little kids...I can just see you holding their little hands walking through Target. I guess Christmas will be a big deal this year since they are old enough to realize what's going on. Fun! (well, after you get the shopping over with).
love - shanna

Brittain... said...

OK just to clarify we haven't actually walked through a store. Just straight into music class or the playground at McDonald's. I'm not that brave!:)

Jen said...

They are getting to be so big! I am so glad you haven't moved yet. I enjoy our dorky little trips to do nothing but get the kids and ourselves out of the house.