Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I took this last night on the way to my neighbor's house for a beer. Jen and I were on the golf carts and the kids walked in front of us. Its blurry because I had to use my cell phone, but the moment was adorable. My kids have been saying some really funny stuff that I keep thinking I need to post so I will remember it. For example, Madeline and Ben came in my room several times yesterday morning while I tried to snooze. This is a miserable way to sleep cause I feel like I have one eye open to watch them. After about 45 minutes of trying to get me up Madeline said," Mommy, are you going to stay in here forever?". I didn't know she knew the word, forever, much less how to use it in a sentence. As for Ben, he seems to take things literally. One day I got them chicken nuggets on the way to the store. I guess they were hungry because by the time I got to the store they had eaten all their food. I commented, "Wow, what did y'all do with all those chicken nuggets?" Ben was very serious when he said, "I put them in the hole in my mouth." So cute!